2022 - VICTORIA KARATE LEAGUE - 30th SHOTOKAN KARATE CUP - Development Division
Male Kumite 10-11 years 10th-7th kyu

Male Kumite 10-11 years 10th-7th kyu - 1 / 1

Pool: 1 / 1 - Round 1

  • Macrae Ben 
    Beginner to Black Belt Goju Karate
    Country Score
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  • Henderson Hunter 
    Battistello Karate
    Country Score
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  • Ha-Cooke Max 
    Beginner to Black Belt Goju Karate
    Country Score
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  • Kerr Connor 
    Satori Karate Australia
    Country Score
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  • Country Score
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Pool: 1 / 1 - Round 2

  • Country Score
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  • Country Score
  • Country Score
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Pool: 1 / 1 - Round 3

  • Country Score
  • Country Score
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Pool: 1 / 1 - Round 4

  • Country Score
  • Country Score

Pool: 1 / 1 - Round 5

  • Country Score
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