Entry fee
Calculation of entry fees:
- Individual categories: Entry fee of categories x Number of Entries in Categories
- Team categories: Entry fee of categories x Number of Teams in Categories
- Coaches: Entry fee x Number of Entries
- Referees: Entry fee x Number of Entries
- Officials: Entry fee x Number of Entries
- Entry fee for clubs
Categories Age from Age to Sex EUR team size KYU DAN Other cut-off date Limit Team Limit
Kata Individual female Cadets 14 15 f 32      
Kata Individual female Juniors 16 17 f 32      
Kata Individual female U10 0 9 f 32      
Kata Individual female U12 10 11 f 32      
Kata Individual female U14 12 13 f 32      
Kata Individual female U21 18 20 f 32      
Kata Individual female U8 0 7 f 32      
Kata Individual male Cadets 14 15 m 32      
Kata Individual male Juniors 16 17 m 32      
Kata Individual male U10 0 9 m 32      
Kata Individual male U12 10 11 m 32      
Kata Individual male U14 12 13 m 32      
Kata Individual male U21 18 20 m 32      
Kata Individual male U8 0 7 m 32      
Kata Team female U10 0 9 f 40 3 - 3    
Kata Team female U12 0 11 f 40 3 - 3    
Kata Team female U14 0 13 f 40 3 - 3    
Kata Team female U14 U16 12 15 f 40 3 - 5    
Kata Team female U16 0 15 f 40 3 - 3    
Kata Team female U18 0 17 f 40 3 - 3    
Kata Team female U21 0 20 f 40 3 - 3    
Kata Team male U10 0 9 m 40 3 - 3    
Kata Team male U10 U12 8 11 m 40 3 - 5    
Kata Team male U12 0 11 m 40 3 - 3    
Kata Team male U14 0 13 m 40 3 - 3    
Kata Team male U14 U16 0 15 m 40 3 - 5    
Kata Team male U16 0 15 m 40 3 - 3    
Kata Team male U18 0 17 m 40 3 - 3    
Kata Team male U21 0 20 m 40 3 - 3    
Kata Team U10 Open 0 9 40 3 - 5    
Kumite Individual female Cadets +54 14 15 f 32      
Kumite Individual female Cadets -47 14 15 f 32      
Kumite Individual female Cadets -54 14 15 f 32      
Kumite Individual female Juniors +59 16 17 f 32      
Kumite Individual female Juniors -48 16 17 f 32      
Kumite Individual female Juniors -53 16 17 f 32      
Kumite Individual female Juniors -59 16 17 f 32      
Kumite individual female U10 +27 7 9 f 32      
KUMITE INDIVIDUAL FEMALE U10 +33kg 8 9 f 32      
Kumite Individual female U10 -27 kg 8 9 f 32      
KUMITE INDIVIDUAL FEMALE U10 -33kg 8 9 f 32      
Kumite Individual female U12 +36 kg 10 11 f 32      
Kumite Individual female U12 -30 kg 10 11 f 32      
Kumite Individual female U12 -36 kg 10 11 f 32      
Kumite Individual female U12 Open 10 11 f 32      
Kumite Individual female U14 +50 kg 12 13 f 32      
Kumite individual female U14 -45 kg 12 13 f 32      
Kumite Individual female U14 -50 kg 12 13 f 32      
Kumite Individual female U14 Open 12 13 f 32      
Kumite Individual female U16 Open 14 15 f 32      
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